Wednesday, March 18, 2009

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

Join Team NCCS in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women

Revlon run/walkGet your walking shoes on, do a few stretches, and gather your family and best friends - cancer survivors need you! Join the NCCS team and pound the pavement to honor and celebrate people affected by cancer. On Saturday, May 2, thousands of people will come together in New York City for the Revlon Run/Walk for Women to raise awareness about the disease and funds to help survivors.

It’s all hands on deck in New York City. To help us make this event a roaring success you can:

Volunteer: This is a huge event and we need people to support the team of runners and walkers. Help us staff our booth, pass out water, sign in participants, meet survivors, and celebrate survivorship. Volunteers can run/walk, too. Be sure to indicate team #3562 for the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship on your volunteer registration form. Sign up now >>

Participate: Gather your supporters and run/walk (even crawl, it’s not a race) to raise money for the cause. You do the walk and we’ll do the work: Just fill in your information to set up your personal fundraising page. To join the NCCS run/walk team, make sure your form indicates team #3562 for the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. Register now >>

Donate: We need your help to meet our $20,000 team fundraising goal. If you can’t make it to the race, you can still pitch in. Make a tax-deductible donation to support team NCCS (Team # 3562.) Donate now >>

Spread the word: Tell your family and friends you don’t want to miss out on this fun event; ask your local school to help raise money or sponsor you on the NCCS team; challenge your colleagues to a fundraising contest; inspire your neighbors to give back to the community.

It takes a team to fight cancer; join the team that’s making a difference. Learn more >>

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NCCS advocates for quality cancer care for all Americans and provides tools that empower people affected by cancer to advocate for themselves. Founded by and for cancer survivors in 1986, NCCS created the widely-accepted definition of survivorship and considers someone a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis through the balance of life. Its free publications and resources include the award-winning Cancer Survival Toolbox®, a self-learning audio program created by leading cancer organizations to help people develop essential skills to meet the challenges of their illness. More information is available at or 1-888-650-9127.