Thursday, March 25, 2010

P.S. 204 Boy’s Sneakers Put To Use For Cancer Cure

By Paula Katinas; March 18 – march 24, 2010. HOME REPORTER AND SUNSET NEWS, Page 14

In Many ways, Philip Ioannou is a typical 11-year-old. A budding athlete, he plays soccer and basketball and practical karate. He won first prize in his school’s science fair and dreams of becoming a doctor when he grows up.

But Philip isn’t your average kid. Your average 11-year-old doesn’t raise hundreds of dollars for cancer research, as Philip has done.

Philip, a fifth grader at P.S. 204, has single-handedly raised more than $250 for research into cancers that affect women.

Philip said he is well aware of the devastation cancer inflicts on families.

“A few people had cancer in my family. Both my grandfathers died from cancer,” he said during an interview in the offices of the Home Reporter and Sunset News last week.

Philip is also putting his sneakers to use in the fight against cancer.

He plans to take part in the annual Revlon 5K Run/Walk for Women in Central Park on May 1, as part of a team organized by his mom, Kathy Ioannou, who works at Morgan Stanley.

Thousands of participants are expected to take part in the 5K Run/Walk. Many of the participants organize themselves into teams and run or walk the route together. Revlon, the cosmetics giant, has been sponsoring the event for several years.

Philip is the youngest of the Morgan Stanley team’s 40 members.

“I’m very proud of him,” said Kathy Ioannou. “A lot of kids his age are interested primarily in video games or playing on the computer. He’s doing something for other people.”

The Morgan Stanley team has raised more than $3,000 to be donated to cancer research.

Kathy Ioannou said her company has pledged to match at least a portion of the sum raised by her team.

Philip didn’t wait until May 1 to begin his fundraising work.

The media-savvy youngster has a page on Facebook and has sent out hundreds of fliers seeking donations. He has also visited dozens of local stores to ask merchants to post his flier in their store windows.

He also requested donations from his teachers and has asked his classmates at P.S. 204 to give up some of their lunch money.

The response has been positive, he said.

Philip has far surpassed his original fundraising goal of $100.

Philip is looking forward to doing a lot of walking on May 1. “My mom, sister, and cousin took part in it last year. I talked to them about it,” he said.

When he’s not busy raising money for cancer research, or doing his homework, Philip enjoys sports.

Basketball, soccer, and karate are his main sports. “I like to do a lot of different things,” he said.

Philip also has an inventive streak. He won first prize in P.S. 204 Science Fair for his project: a water-powered car.

That wasn’t the only time Philip has won a prize.

He won a coloring contest sponsored by this newspaper three years ago, at age 8, and was awarded a new bicycle.

Philip wants to become a doctor someday.

Anyone interested in making a donation to the cancer cure walk in Philip’s name can visit and follow the link to “Sponsor a participant online.” There, enter Philip’s code, Bib 1736. That way, Philip will be credited with garnering a donation.


pamelaki999 said...

sounds like a great cause! glad to see Philip making an effort :)

Mom said...

Way to go Philip!!! I couldn't be more proud of you!